Mentor group

My name is Halim J Mouawad
People often ask me, what do you do? The best way to answer this question was have a look at my website.
Ever since I was a young boy as far back as I can remember I was fixing, creating and drawing. I was constantly fiddling with any thing I could repair pull apart or build. There were no limits. As far as I was concerned I could fix anything. My parents greatest fear was I would one-day electrocute myself. Well, that happened twice. The shock didn't stop me. In my early twenties I entered the Textile industry with no prior knowledge. I started to research what it takes to create a Brand. That was back in the days of no internet no google. It was the yellow pages and door knocking. After some time I made this become a reality. The brand was Unrevealed clothing. Melbourne based unconventional fashion business grew. I then created a Peanut company called Aussie Go Nuts". The rest is history. There have been a lot of new ideas and a lot more products produced for my self and helping others create. One of my nicknames is
"The Trade Mark King"
Some of my interests.
Author, Youtuber, Photographer,Photo Editor, Graphic Designer, Graphic Artist
Mural Artist, Portrait Artist, Wood worker, Metal worker, Arak maker, , Entrepreneur, Property negotiator, , Mentor, Writing.
Most of all, helping others create and build their dreams.
The Moral of my story is, Nothing is Impossible. If you can Dream it you can have it.