My Poems,
& Stories
Laying in the warm sun eyes closed holding your hand. Feeling your smooth skin I could feel all your energy all your growth.
I felt your breath sweeping across my body like a soft breeze, your shadow swaying over me gazing at my face.
You empowered me to capture the presence nothing else mattered. At that moment I was paired with the earth and the universe.
All senses awake content with simplicity, every breath deep, lungs refilled with life.
Opening my eyes leaning to the side, I remembered then I was holding a branch connected to a tree. I smiled.
Mother Nature” Mind-Body Souls organic medicine.
Halim J Mouawad ©️
The sensation.
A pinch, may last a few minutes.
A punch, a little longer.
Broken arm, six weeks.
A gunshot wound, a few weeks or months.
Amputation may take years to get used too.
A broken heart however is constantly painful it may last a lifetime, maybe till your death bed.
How do you mend a broken heart?
My heart is made of 1 % blood 99% you.
Halim J Mouawad ©️
Delusional propaganda the essence of distraction.
Everyone does it, watches it, eats it so must I?
The substance of conformity is to be common.
Has the real you ever emerged? Is the shadow of socialism camouflaged as democracy hanging over you?
I warn do not conform to this brainwashing storm.
Reform take off the uniform.
Halim J Mouawad ©️
Their memories stray to the other day.
So close yet so far away.
They wrote a screenplay called “Lets runaway” that they would live someday on their own broadway. They came such a long way, she yelled let's go to Santa Fe, he replied ok! while preparing to whisk her away.
Two hearts moulded from the same clay,
unfortunately, the show was cancelled on a Wednesday.
Sounds like a fiction by Hemingway “Disarray” We will never ever fade away.
Halim J Mouawad ©️
Does enjoying your life require a permit?
Are you the pilot in the cockpit?
Who’s writing the transcript?
You subscribe to this membership.
A relationship with clauses to restrict?
Hey don’t throw a fit admit no one recommended it you brought the ticket.
Fulfilment temporally on hold or permanent?
Who issues your permits?
Maybe it’s time to order a reality kit.
Living life without a permit, I recommend it.
Actualisation mental justification.
Halim J Mouawad ©️
Reaching the end of the rainbow and planting flowers.
A hurricane destroys all with its powers.
The guru’s say it’s nature, again on your knees to the all mighty creator.
Life somewhere under a rainbow, people with a halo.
Rid us from the cargo and vertigo and planting flowers.
A hurricane destroys all with its powers.
The guru’s say it’s nature, again on your knees to the all mighty creator.
Life somewhere under a rainbow, people with a halo.
Rid us from the cargo and vertigo
Halim J Mouawad ©️
What's the difference between a hypocrite a liar or someone who is delusional?
Calling a or someone delusional a liar would be clearly justified.
A contradiction to one's true beliefs or actions.
To mislead or impress subject to surroundings or topics.
The lying purely fabricated to continually uplift or cover oneself and fool the gullible.
Every time one demonstrates these behaviours, the reward is a moment of pleasure which has more value than the ongoing stigma.
The Illusion will eventually be exposed.
I call it windexing, making someone transparent.
Halim J Mouawad ©️
Ask yourself.
Can you live with or without someone or something?
Miss or not miss? What's the scale measurement equal?
Another sequel mentally illegal. Will it be peaceful or evil?
It might backfire don’t get caught in the crossfire.
It may not have what you require.
Substitution for institution, rewriting the constitution Isn’t always a solution.
“And remember, no matter where you go, there you are.”
― Confucius
Halim J Mouawad ©️
The power of forgiveness.
Is forgiveness an emotion triggered by ego or pride, hate or anger, motivated by over-self worth?
Is time a relative to forgiveness or a remedy whilst we walk through the jungle of thoughts, doubt and contemplation?
Like a monkey swinging from tree to tree grabbing the next thought like a vine.
Forgiveness is freedom from all shackled thoughts jailed in a chamber within the mind.
To forgive or not to forgive, this is the question.
Or are we just like the monkeys?
Halim J Mouawad ©️
His kiss liquefied her.
His touch, electrified.
His conversations purified.
He didn’t complicate, he simplified.
Misguided, he reconciled and nullified.
Her Dismay he made it go away.
His taste never to be erased.
Mesmerised vision her heart forever imprisoned.
Her Guru in Blue, no one ever Knew.
Halim J Mouawad ©️
Popping the bubble you live in then find yourself in another bubble slightly larger leaving the mess of the last bubble encapsulated within.
Pop the next, again you’re in a slightly bigger one with the collective chaos from all the previous bubbles.
Seeking tranquillity purity & stability, without confrontational mental physical and environmental change one becomes anarchy immune.
The bewildered bubble people.
Halim J Mouawad ©️
Holding the seed close to his heart.
He knows the field and country it was planted in.
Fields that grow cotton,
that supply the spinning company,
who spins yarn for weavers,
that supplied the Dyed fabric for her soul to be woven from.
The fibre within, her fabric she bared all only to him.
Halim J Mouawad ©️
10 years there could be physical, mental or financial evolution or deterioration. Most focus on material success and neglect what's mostly important, happiness from within.
Long term happiness doesn't come without dedication.
A wise person will train their mind and direct it at gratefulness then one will be rewarded.
What’s more compelling is, in 10 years the destruction of the earth, our home this wonderful planet is being depleted. Without consciousness we will live oblivious to the reality. We will all pay the price for selfishness.
Ignorance isn’t always bliss. (A bunch of hippies and activists can’t do it alone, we need global unification)
Halim J Mouawad ©️
She can’t keep away, not for a second or a day. She can’t let go, she wants yesterday.
His tenderness impregnated her existence, her indulgence paid the consequences.
When the night comes silence echoes laying pains, laying mornings the same, he kept her heart tame.
Gone sleeping with a smile, waking with a grin.
Are tears a sin? Her next of kin spiritual twin, it’s hard to take it on the chin not another begin, misery unforeseen.
He didn’t want to talk anymore, nothing else to say no more cards to play.
She cried baby please stay, he replied no more replay!
The last petal fell, broken spell now its farewell.
Hopelessly Devoted.
Halim J Mouawad ©️
Her face in the top draw stowed beneath the killer magical mirror.
Lay’s foundation here comes the transformation, she becomes the gangstar of love.
Cloned boys in Da club, desperate and ambitious all wearing the latest cologne called “Confidence” tradesmen by day mafia by night. That wink makes them sink, whistling and yelling baby Yo wanna drink? she’s mine, well that’s what they all think.
Drinks pour, followers up more, DM’s new high score.
In the morning the victim of another emotional war.
Sneaking in the back door, falls on the floor parents in a total uproar dads yelling you look like a fucken whore.
Feet sore, dress tore trying to ignore, am I candy on the dance floor or is it a discount store.
All she wanted was a real man, love and pure better than the ones before. I can’t do this anymore, I don’t want to be a dinosaur, well maybe just once more.
Happiness in a draw, who’s it really for?
Throwing up she remembered she was married, mummy you ok?
Halim J Mouawad ©️
Whats a gift? A present.
The presence is the most profound gift of all.
One might be enlightened to the real meaning of this philosophy rather than a cute concept you heard or read about.
When one truly accomplishes this stage of existence, one will then sail smoother waters.
No ocean ever remains the same nor is it foreseen.
Halim J Mouawad ©️
Like hippies smelling flowers for the first time.
In the forest they could see in the dark.
Sound of the beat the fire warms their bare feet.
Gazing stars twinkle on His back and in her eyes.
The Dawn like never before they saw.
Face tracing lips doing the navigating.
Eyes lusting, love blushing Cupids coming.
Then the switch came on, all was gone.
The Dreamer.
Halim J Mouawad ©️
To the queen of hearts,
I constantly appear to you because you are seeking me in your conscious and subconscious state. You instantly see me in the distance.
However you see but don’t recognise me due to turbulent thoughts. You ask why are you here? I’m here because I love you.
I have appeared to you many times in many forms, its you that has to capture my essence.
The awakening moment will come only then you will take me.
Every breath you take my chest expands, your every smile I feel warmth, In your sadness I feel pain.
The reflection, I am you and you are me.
We are destiny in the close distance.
The Heart.
Halim J Mouawad ©️
Jesus Buddha Krishna didn’t give anything to man that man wasn’t already born with.
The teachings from all the prophets are guides which ever you choose.
Environment alters our implanted instincts without notifications.
You have heard all the narrations all the explanations.
Face your obligations your natural expectations.
If your a believer listen and notice, this isn’t Hocus Pocus.
Halim J Mouawad ©️
If you make someone angry, someone else makes another person angry.
The “domino effect”.
The cycle delivers it back to oneself.
The “boomerang effect”. In a perfect world, a utopia state rather than dystopian, how could one get angry or inflict anger?
There would only be kindness.
Every bad action, word or thought adds angry energy to the world.
Halim J Mouawad ©️
I’ve got the dreamers disease.
I didn’t say please.
Just like a tease It comes with ease.
Constantly around me like a light breeze.
It came with a life time guarantee.
Dreams like Hercules powerful and strong.
A permanent bond, lifelong thats where I belong.
If I sing my song, will you come along?
Im a dreamer and when I wake, nothing changes. (Halim means to Dream)
Halim J Mouawad ©️
Never been a gambler. Bets on you.
The odds so seductive nothing constructive or productive just destructive.
Smiles the introduction, heart abduction mental destruction logical corruption volcanic eruption.
Is the value of true love worth the pain will life ever be the same?
To truely love or to wonder all your life does it exist. Which pain is worth more, suffering the unknown or the loss?
Just like a one hit wonder constantly living in the past.The bar raised so high that no one else can compete.
Does a Gambler ever actually win?
Halim J Mouawad ©️
Who wants a Jack in the Box as a friend?
No One!
Never knowing when to expect a sudden shock.
Friends should be consistent regardless of moods, suffering, happiness or environment.
Considerate not leaving one feeling confused by the unknown. “Useable Friendships”, friends that are only useful to your current circumstances.
True Friends share honesty, love and kindness.
Caution! imposters everywhere.
Halim J Mouawad ©️
Bubbles born in the stream, all impermanent.
Travelling for a fraction of time on this world then dissolve.
Some believe the almighty or the universe created the stream that created the bubbles, what created the stream? The river? What created the river? the rain? The clouds? The atmosphere? The earth? Regardless of your beliefs, there is one certain truth, impermanence. We travel in life just like the bubbles.
“The Human Bubble”
Halim J Mouawad ©️
The same song, same words same tune. Your gone. When I hear it it’s like an alarm, a gong that wakes me from a daze looking out of the haze like a crazed fool. My heart goes into palpation, frustration. What’s the duration when’s the graduation. My heart’s trying to find a new location, my weak mind can’t resist the temptation. I know I signed the application, I thought it was a life time collaboration. You said our love was gravitation. Where is the book on love explanation. What’s the legislation I’m living in isolation. My heart need’s a Mother Fucking vacation. “Staring at the ceiling, I realised the light bulb lasted longer than our love”.
Halim J Mouawad ©️
When someone asks you a question.
Who answers?
You? you’re ego, or your pride? Decide. Has it ever been identified?
This is my question.
Does it cause you aggression for self protection?
I’m not asking for a confession, I can tell by your facial expression.
Answer at your own discretion.
We all need a little identity progression,
Halim J Mouawad ©️
On the back of the bike riding. White stripes go by while you think, thoughts rush at a slow pace in your head, the past present and future. The sun sets slow the white lines become amber.
Spoken conversations without words your hold is a tight hug. Cheek glued to his bare back wishing the road has no end.
Halim J Mouawad ©️
The birds woke me.
Sun shines, I wipe the sleep off my eyes.
I looked up from my tea cup, you weren’t there.
Who was I speaking too?
Wheels rolling avoiding pot holes.
People and animals with prolonging stares watch as I ride by, did you see me?
Did you hear me yelling out your name in silence? In my head it sounded like sirens.
As I look down the wind blows sand on my bare feet behind me the street
Halim J Mouawad ©️
Mouth, the tongues chamber that speaks sounds or silent of no words. To open or close is governed by mind or by a sensation. The listener concurs or opposes. For what is this complexed chamber that can make or break worlds, the gate to harmony or destruction. The monkey covers its mouth to speak no evil.
The monk lives in silence is that the “Key”?
The Monks Key, “MonKey”🙊
Thoughts of a man
Halim J Mouawad ©️
Chest pain profound.
Heart broken unspoken abandon.
Lungs won’t fill, gasping breaths.
Time is slow the pain won’t go.
What to take, it can’t wait.
Tomorrow another today day after day.
Flawless and lawless.
Side by side risky ride.
Bonnie and Clyde the mad groom the crazy bride.
Teary eyed, unjustified homicide, love suicide.
Love was Jekyll became Mr Hyde.
Halim J Mouawad ©️
Hear me for I now will speak. I utter to the ones that lend me their ears and seek.
In several doses did they listen or just hear?
Were my words understood misunderstood, did they lack clarity or volume?
The matter at hand is reality.
Maybe my words will aid and rid what really doesn't matter.
You concluded “the” matter, a “matter of fact” when time has rendered it redundant.
Why did it matter then and now no longer matters?
Why can’t you make it not matter in it’s infancy rather than nurture it with time?
This is the question.
Time is reality, it doesn’t lie.
Halim J Mouawad ©️
Walking under your umbrella holding your hot tea you paused and smiled.
Styling her hair in the coin operated laundromat she sat on his lap and giggled while kissing and interrupting him.
They watched the machine as it spins, like teens, bodies wrapped together impersonating siamese twins.
She wore ripped jeans cute face of a beauty queen. Like a movie scene you peeped in.
Thinking of how it could have been, your routine so slim and grim waiting for your win win.
Then suddenly your jaw dropped when his face turned you realised I was him.
The Has-bin.
Halim J Mouawad ©️
Your hands planted me, The soil my abode, I the seed you sewed.
You watched over me a commitment, Water for nourishment.
You took care of me that was your oath, Sun for my growth.
You guarded over me until I could stand solemnly unconditionally.
Without you I wouldn’t have existed, without Mother Nature I would not have survived.
I have grown strong and healthy full of vitality my own individuality.
In return I give you nutrition fulfillment honor and pride for you are my Father and I am your child.
Halim J Mouawad ©️
Hearing your legend
In the distance you looked grand from my stand.
The sun of dawn woke me highlighting your crown.
I felt you call me, why did you do that?
My feet surrendered to my mind as I surrendered to you.
Breath heart sweat pulse strength mind body soul a team of the same bloodstream.
Moments of short asking my Father why have you forsaken me, where are you taking me.
Stairway to heavenly or stairway to hell moments I couldn’t tell.
My mother surrounds knowing exactly how to remedy. Assuring me child look around feel me.
Propelled by powers that were installed in me by the almighty, powers that I thought were unlikely.
I got the see your face up close and hold both your hands tight, wow omg you are the most beautiful sight.
Beneath the cold there was warmth.
Maker of the earth we are one, doesn’t matter where we run, this is where it all begun.
Part 1;
Annapurna. I will never forget you.
Halim J Mouawad ©️
Surrounded by sunshine in the street.
Eyes and smiles from all isles we meet, Peace love and happiness witnessed I did.
Yearning the same outcome, how come, we just want fun, thats humans basic rule of thumb.
Dreamers and believers we are, hope filling our reservoir not so bizarre, sounds like a song played on the guitar.
You gave us preachers and teachers, rulers and foolers, they became the reviewers.
Recognise me, I was you.
Go back to true, the one you truly knew. “I wanna be a stylist, I wanna be a ballerina”.
Be what ever you wanna be” just do you, is you due? Maybe a lifetime break through
Halim J Mouawad ©️
Worlds apart yet so close as close as the breeze on my skin.
A bond without words rather like a feeling.
A connection without a fuse, without an off button.
The nectar of the Gods we tasted, like a spell as deep as the deepest well, as strong as the diamonds tip. No undo or forgot, bury the strongest seed as deep as you can dig, it will always spout and become a tree deeply rooted. We are it's Phoenix leaves.
The unspoken love.
Halim J Mouawad ©️
Smoke signals above, drum beats from the distance.
A Guy with long hair strikes his drum with two sticks summoning all tribe members. He calls it FaceLook.
Children of the tribe abandon what’s at hand and gravitate towards the smoke and mesmerising beat.
We know its time to meet, greet, we are a fleet the fire the heat the music so sweet what a treat the ground is our seat
The sound of love, hearts start racing we all know its time for embracing. Through the forest we trek and seek, branches and leaves crush under our bare feet. In the distance a glow, Oh a tribal show, free flow, move like gyro this won’t stop till tomorrow, past the moonlight this isn’t a twilight campsite we have love and kindness this is our guidance the others think we are under a spell of madness.
A circle of drummers with instruments from afar, a musical seminar the earth is the conductor. Joined like the roots of the trees 360 degrees the musicians play with ease it’s their expertise. Lebanese Japanese Chinese Balinese Portuguese only one spoken language required everything else has expired. The vibe isn’t planned, our brand, magical wonderland this is where we stand our armband hold my hand and you will understand.
We spear our spirits and souls to the stars past Mars, behind us our memoirs there universe all ours.
Halim J Mouawad ©️
If Jesus were with you today.
Jesus. What’s the rabbit for?
A. It’s the Easter bunny.
Jesus. What’s it for?
A. It gives out chocolate eggs.
Jesus” rabbits don’t lay eggs.
Jesus. Who are they?
A. They are nuns.
Jesus. What do they do?
A. They are married to you.
Jesus, all of them ?
A. Yes
Jesus” I never married.
Jesus. Who is he?
A. He is Santa Claus.
Jesus. What’s he do?
A. He fly’s in a sledge from the North Pole climbs down chimneys and delivers toys to all the good children that the elf’s made for them.
Jesus. What about the other children?
A. They don’t get any.
Jesus. who is he?
A. He is the pope
Jesus. What’s he do?
A. He is the heights representative of you. He is the boss of all church’s and priests.
Jesus” I’m confused. I didn’t appoint a Boss.
Jesus, my son can I ask you a question?
Yes my Lord. If you believers believe in me why don’t you follow my teachings. Love thy neighbour be kind and share love.
Was my death in vain?
I preached on the grass. I wore draped cloth. Wore sandals without any riches.
My church is in your heart. It never closes. My son go share love and kindness with your neighbour, this is your duty. Its very simple.
The man is now confused.
Halim J Mouawad ©️
Sitting on the departure gate floor, Paris Sydney or Baltimore maybe I’ll go check out San Salvador. No longer a prisoner of war the universe all mine to explore.
You weren’t afraid, you walked my way, you asked may I join you?
I like your jeans. Thanks I replied, by all means, are you from the Philippines?
You gave me an interesting smile that lasted awhile.
I wondered, pretty woman, are you lonely just like me? Why did you choose my company my space while trying to analyse your face.
We spoke in riddles, gave us giggles, we can’t answer a question a game of affection I think that was the intention.
Lets put the past away, not worry about the future, let’s just share this floor for now. And make sense of this somehow.
Who knows what we will share, or what we will find.
It’s not too late, something is happening, what is it I smell, feels like a spell, is this a carousel, another hello or another farewell?
Someone please explain this to me in a nutshell.
Are you on my flight this stary stary night?
Beyond the sky, we flew through the clouds, like the song says I will fly into your arms.
Then I woke up the plane had landed, the air hostess asked Sir have you lost something you look enchanted.
I smiled and replied to her, you can’t loose dreams, she smiled back and said Sir, I like your jeans.
Halim J Mouawad ©
I Saw a girl.
A cap she wore.
Her face I couldn't ignore. I was already hoping for an encore.
Behind the mask, why are you so familiar I wanted to ask.
A sparkle in her eyes, do I know you?
In her eyes I saw a heart full of emotions.
I could see her unspoken devotion. Her smile so warm and welcoming, so accelerating. I said hello, she replied with her eyes, Hi.
I could see something was disturbing,
She held a screen everything on it was obscene it was like a bad fucking dream something I've never seen. I wanted to scream, this is extreme who are you the masked team?
I said the man in the video is a %#<~ it rhymes with blunt. Is this a stunt? I was in the forefront of confront.
That day I never forgot, animals of the world I’m so sorry, now I’m part of the masked team it does seem. Anonymous for the voiceless this isn’t a fancy dress it’s the new world congress a global success.
Later We became BFF then I found out she is a vegan Chef, after that I became profoundly deaf.
Halim J Mouawad ©
I gave you a test, why did I kid myself you were the best, just the same as the rest mentally oppressed suppressed obsessed under house arrest.
Your friend said don’t lose what you love, you didn’t listen you thought the sun and fun gave you freedom, then reality kick back in your head like a train wreck. Circumstances and environmental, you can’t focus, thats what broke us.
Totally typical so predictable I was hoping for a miracle something unsinkable, in a love court you would be charged as a war criminal.
Now you want back, nah nah fuck that no more chit chat. Go see stupid for that.
There was trust now just emotional dust, we were US thats now flushed.
Wasted words, Wasted love, Wasted conversations, Wasted time.
Mistakes are made, played charades minds strayed, felt betrayed time to upgrade, this saga was homemade.
What was beautiful now so ugly regrettable forgettable what happened to remarkable and exceptional. “Drops The Mic and walks off”
Halim J Mouawad ©
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